So perhaps you have been pondering on whether you may be an empath or have heightened sensitivity.
I have created a check list/ questionnaire....
If you find that you keep slipping back into the vicious and unrelenting cycle of substances or emotional eating.... there is a high probability that you may be experiencing one or more of the 7 unconscious blockers that impact so many clients that I work with.
Theorists suggest that up to 15-20% of our behaviour is driven by our conscious and around 80% is governed by our unconscious..... If you find that you get to your goal weight, or get to a space of sobriety and then continually stumble.. you are so not alone. There are effective tools to help you get off the roller-coaster once and for all....
Do you feel alone as an Empath or highly sensitive soul? Come and connect with other fellow Empaths and Sensitive Souls at the 'Sanctuary for Sensitive Souls- Private Face book Group. In this group, we share resources, experiences and strategies to help turn down the volume on life so you can thrive as an empath or highly sensitive soul in an world that can feel anything but sensitive.
Your emotional well being is important to me, however I do not provide a crisis type response service. If you have concerns about either your own emotional or mental well-being or another persons, the following crisis numbers may be helpful-
Lifeline- (24 hour crisis counselling available throughout Australia- 13 11 14
Mensline Australia (24 hour counselling support for men)- 1800 551 800.
Kids Help line (24 hour telephone and on-line counselling support for children and young people aged 5-25) phone 1800 551 800.
SuicideLine (Vic)-counselling support and referral 24 hours a day throughout Vic- 1300 651 251.
Monash Health Psychiatric Triage Service (24 hour phone support)- 1300 369 012 (for people in the South Eastern Suburbs- Melbourne)
Eastern Health Psychiatric Triage Service (24 hour phone support)- 1300 721 927 (for those in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne)
Psychiatric Triage Service-LaTrobe Regional Health (Gippsland- 1300 363 322)
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