Sandplay Therapy is an expressive counselling and psychotherapy modality with over 75 years of clinical application that can assist with trauma recovery. This counselling treatment modality integrates both verbal/ 'speak' therapy and expressive interventions that encourages a safe yet deep processing to occur, where by distressing behaviours and resultant emotions, their intensity and frequency are often reduced.
When an issue or trouble is represented symbolically (via things like ornaments, cards, items found in nature etc.), through distance in externalized form, a person is better able to develop new insights, perspectives or offerings regarding their current challenges.
The capacity to arrange or move the symbols assists in the communication of emotions, the development of insight or awareness and safe expression of feelings and emotions.
People are invited to observe things from 'different angles' or see things from different perspectives often assisting in improved decision making with greater clarity. People who experience high sensitivity and emotions can obtain considerable relief when using this treatment approach.
Clients can 'notice how each opportunity for potential change 'fits', how they can be helped to be supported in this process and obtain resources for their chosen outcome.
Sandplay Therapy is considered one of the most effective and probably safest therapeutic modality and is utilized by various counsellors and therapists to enhance treatment or as an alternative to cognitive therapies for children, adolescents and adults.
The use of Sandplay Therapy in Expressive Therapies approaches has resulted due combining the earlier therapy work of Dr Margaret Lowenfeld (a child psychiatrist who pioneered therapeutic play for children back in the 1920's) and Dora Kalff, a Jungian therapist who created Sandplay therapy in the 1950's.
The utilization of both Jungian and Gestalt interventions were incorporated with symbolic objects in Sandplay and Symbol Work as a component of Expressive Therapies, developed in Australia by Mark Pearson, Helen Wilson and Patricia Nolan back in 1987.
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